It's the middle of winter....????
Okay, so by all accounts it's the middle of winter. January 20th. But yet in South Carolina there are already signs of spring all around. A few houses down the road there are a few daffodils in bloom. Here at 205 Westgate Drive the daffodils are poking up but haven't had any blossoms yet. Daffodils are big in this neighborhood. When we first moved here, we noticed all of them around our house (evidently the original owners loved them). I've never been too keen on them and we took a bunch out (but they still came back). But now after a few years I've grown to like them much more. They really are the first sign of spring here. When I saw the first bit of yellow down the street, I was instantly moved to start thinking about the end of winter and the start of spring & summer (here in SC summer starts about Easter and goes well though Columbus Day). Anyway, I hope all of the Yankees who read this aren't too jealous. It's been about 4 years since we've had any snow. I really do miss it, and the pond ice skating and sledding. Just doesn't happen here.
I'm going to add another raised bed this year, hopefully for some flowers Kimberly can put in the flower boxes. I also might move some lettuce to wide terracotta planters on the front steps, I want to use more mixed color & shape lettuce types so it should look good as well as taste good.
As far as the winter garden goes..... let's take a look. The cabbages are growing... slowly. We've had only a couple of hard freezes so far but I think once things warm up they're pick up the pace. The garlic I brought home from the Ithaca farmer's market has sprouted up and looks to be growing well. If that is the only successful crop I have I will be ecstatic! We love our garlic! I also moved the herbs from the raised bed to another established bed nearby. The rosemary and oregano are still going strong and I hope they stay perennials here. The cauliflower I planted is going great. A favorite recipe we cook all of the time is cauliflower and cheese soup. I hope we can make some soon with fresh cauliflower.
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