the past 2 weeks
Well, it's been a solid to weeks since I've updated this site so here's a little whirlwind recap....
June 16th-18th - Kimberly and I went to Atlanta to see the Red Sox play the Braves. This was the start of the big win streak with the Sox sweeeping the Braves. Highlights of the weekend - Jon Lester having a great start, the return of Gabe Kapler, Shilling & Smoltz dueling. Friend Mike Penny was at the games too (although I didn't know it until after). You can read about his trip here. We stayed at the Marriot Marquis downtown Atlanta (thank you If you are looking for a great dinner downtown, try Daily's. Probably the best waitstaff ever! And the food was spectacular too!
Since returning to the homestead, we've spent most of our time working on the house. Kimberly continues to sew shades and drapes for all of the windows. The trim painting is almost finished. We finally got a floor for our 2nd bathroom (a huge achievement considering the repairs were supposed to be done before we closed on the house!!). I spent a few days demolishing old tile from the bathroom, hanging new drywall and cement board for the shower. We've put in the new shower pan and hope to start the tile work today or tomorrow. I don't think the sink & toilet will be in by our 4th of July BBQ (unless I learn some new plumbing skills in the next 2 days) but we're excited about the prospect of having a 2nd bathroom with 2 adults and 3 kids in the house! Before and after pictures will be coming when we finish.
The garden is humming along nicely. I picked my first red tomato yesterday! The Roma plants have taken off great but the Brandywine variety has died off, I don't know why. We've had a few sweet banana and Anaheim peppers too. The peas I planted got roasted by the hot SC weather so they aren't with us anymore (I don't know why I planted them, everything I have read says they are cool weather plants). The onions I planted died off, I don't think they took the transplant well. It wasn't a total loss, when I picked them they were about 1"-2" in diameter so we used them as pearl onions in Kimberly's awesome chicken pot pie. Everytime I grow fresh onions they taste amazing, I definitely suggest you try growing some. Lots of flowers on the cucumber, butternut squash and watermellon plants. Green beans are flowering and have some small fruits. The zucchini is green and leafy but no flowers... hmmmm. I'm working on a design for raised beds with a drip irrigation system for next season (well, this fall). If you have had any tips I would love to hear them.
June 16th-18th - Kimberly and I went to Atlanta to see the Red Sox play the Braves. This was the start of the big win streak with the Sox sweeeping the Braves. Highlights of the weekend - Jon Lester having a great start, the return of Gabe Kapler, Shilling & Smoltz dueling. Friend Mike Penny was at the games too (although I didn't know it until after). You can read about his trip here. We stayed at the Marriot Marquis downtown Atlanta (thank you If you are looking for a great dinner downtown, try Daily's. Probably the best waitstaff ever! And the food was spectacular too!
Since returning to the homestead, we've spent most of our time working on the house. Kimberly continues to sew shades and drapes for all of the windows. The trim painting is almost finished. We finally got a floor for our 2nd bathroom (a huge achievement considering the repairs were supposed to be done before we closed on the house!!). I spent a few days demolishing old tile from the bathroom, hanging new drywall and cement board for the shower. We've put in the new shower pan and hope to start the tile work today or tomorrow. I don't think the sink & toilet will be in by our 4th of July BBQ (unless I learn some new plumbing skills in the next 2 days) but we're excited about the prospect of having a 2nd bathroom with 2 adults and 3 kids in the house! Before and after pictures will be coming when we finish.

The garden is humming along nicely. I picked my first red tomato yesterday! The Roma plants have taken off great but the Brandywine variety has died off, I don't know why. We've had a few sweet banana and Anaheim peppers too. The peas I planted got roasted by the hot SC weather so they aren't with us anymore (I don't know why I planted them, everything I have read says they are cool weather plants). The onions I planted died off, I don't think they took the transplant well. It wasn't a total loss, when I picked them they were about 1"-2" in diameter so we used them as pearl onions in Kimberly's awesome chicken pot pie. Everytime I grow fresh onions they taste amazing, I definitely suggest you try growing some. Lots of flowers on the cucumber, butternut squash and watermellon plants. Green beans are flowering and have some small fruits. The zucchini is green and leafy but no flowers... hmmmm. I'm working on a design for raised beds with a drip irrigation system for next season (well, this fall). If you have had any tips I would love to hear them.
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