Thursday, November 09, 2006

sigh... yup I'm getting older & the world changes

Ed Bradley died. I'll miss him. I'm a big 60 minutes fan, the kids hate it because in the fall when CBS football runs late, 60 Minutes runs late, and that means we will miss the begining of The Simpsons because we can't switch the channel until Andy Rooney has his say.

That's certainly one way I've noticed I'm getting older. More people die, or more people I know that is. And they die of being old, not tragic car crashes or a freak illness. When I was young if someone I knew died it was usually because of some accident or odd illness, or yours or someones grandparents; someone you knew was old. Now people I know die in their 70's. Which is what they're supposed to do I guess; but they were just in their late 40's or 50's a couple of years ago, right? Or has it been 6 years since I've moved to South Carolina already? Right now, it's celebities and people in the news I have grown up with or seen all of my like, Mr. Rogers, Ronald Reagan, Ed Bradley. It's starting to hit a little closer to home, friends' parents, people I will still remember as me being 14 and them the same age as my parents. But that was 18 years ago. When someone dies it's a reminder that I too am not 14 as they are not 50 anymore. I hope I don't bum you out too much with this post. Think good thoughts, like Ed Bradley's interview with Jimmy Buffett a few years ago. Good stuff.


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