Thursday, September 14, 2006

My monthly rant.....

Since I don't want to bore anyone here with a rant today, I figured I would tell someone who cared.

The Honorable Sen. Lindsey Graham
290 Russell Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Graham,
I am writing to you today to express my support for you and your colleagues’ opposition to President Bush’s proposed plan for military trials for suspected terrorists. While I support the need for such legislation, I am worried about the potential erosion of Article III of the Geneva Conventions and the effects it may have on US troops around the world.
I am also concerned about the provisions that allow the use of secret evidence against a defendant and allow hearsay and coerced testimony. I understand how some may support these measures, especially for terrorists caught on the battlefield overseas, but I feel stronger that we cannot sacrifice what the Constitution stands for in order to protect it. There should be no exceptions to a defendant’s rights to due process in any court held in or sanctioned by the United States. We cannot protect the United States from this war on terror without also protecting the Constitution.
I am confident that you and your committee will be able to come to a compromise with the President that will create a courts system that will satisfy all parties concerned while protecting our soldiers overseas and defendant’s rights. I would again like to thank you for your service and am proud to have you as my representative in the Senate.
Your constituent,
James Keaveny


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