Beer, brewing and ingenuity....

I plan on doing a little beer brewing this weekend. In preparation I was doing a little web research on homebrewing equipment. I'm looking to upscale my production from 5 to 10 gallon batches. It sounds easy enough, just make everything bigger. Well, the more I think the more I need to modify some equipment for ease of use and transport (10 gallons weighs almost 100 pounds) ie. put a valve in the bottom of my brewpot, build a wort chiller, ect... Then there is the bottling, a 5 gallon batch usually fills about 48 12 oz. bottles. Ten gallons will necessitate almost 100 empty bottles!!! I really hate washing and sterilizing bottles. I also found this blog here. Anyone from novice to expert (I fall somewhere in between) will learn something new. There are lots of good beer & brewing related links too. The picture to the right was found here, they have beaucoup information on beer festivals all over the world. Kind of makes you want to visit Germany, doesn't it. I make sure to take a few pictures while brewing to show the world (or 3 people) how I have things set up.
Check out this beer recipe site!!!! Awesome!!! Anything you could ever imagine and lots of extra stuff to tweak your recipes.
That's a GREAT picture.
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