Red Sox, Garden Update and Great food
There is a great article on
today about the Red Sox's needs as the trading deadline nears. To sum it up, the author suggests that even with all of the trouble the Sox have had trying to find a 5th starter, what the real post season problem could be is a lack of hitting. After mulling the idea over in my head for a bit I tend to agree with the writer. When the Sox were treading water 2 weeks ago, what was wrong? It wasn't the pitching. The bats went dead. The pitching has been fine. Yeah, another starter would be great but I wouldn't give up Lester, Papplebon or Hansen for anybody out out there. Look at other teams, the best teams out there have 3 great starters, we have 2 and a 5-0 rookie starter, along with crafty veteran inning eater Wakefield and Timlin & Papplebon to close things out. With a 3 man rotation in a playoff series, we're all set. If the bats slow down for a 2 week stretch we could be in big trouble to make the playoffs. Who do we get you ask? The article suggests Abreu from the Phillies. He's a big chunk of salary at $16 million next year, and I would hate to see Nixon get moved but imagine a 3,4,5 lineup of Ortiz, Ramirez & Abreu and an outfield ofRamirez, Crisp/Willie Mo & Abreu. That could even last through 2008 when Manny's contract expires. I'm not sure if Abreu is the guy but he would be better than what any pitcher would bring to the club this season. And with the young guns doing so well, we'll look even better next year! If you have time leave a comment on your thoughts of the Red Sox's needs/chances.
On a garden update, things are winding down a bit. The storyline so far this year has been lots of flowers but minimal fruits. Excepting the tomatos, all of the squashes, watermellons and cucumbers have been all flower and no fruit. I'm a bit disapointed but upon futher review, I didin't do much planning and soil prep work due to the rush of moving & my master watering plan isn't in place either. Next year? There is a place in town that sells bulk mushroom compost, I plan on using healthy amounts of that in the fall when I build the beds and again in the spring. I also found a great site that gave me lots of inspiration and planning ideas for a layout next year. Check it out here. I like how he uses compatable plants together and has raised beds with watering trenches in the middle. Lots of good advice and ideas throughout his website.
I also bought a fig tree while we were in Virginia. The kids actually asked if newtons grew on trees!! The saleslady said that she has one and it started producing fruit the 2nd year. Keep your eyes peeled for homemade fig newton recipes!! Here's a great recipe that we tried the other day. We are big fans of fennel, and the vinegrette is what makes this da' bomb! The dressing would be good on a salad too. Hope to hear from you soon!

On a garden update, things are winding down a bit. The storyline so far this year has been lots of flowers but minimal fruits. Excepting the tomatos, all of the squashes, watermellons and cucumbers have been all flower and no fruit. I'm a bit disapointed but upon futher review, I didin't do much planning and soil prep work due to the rush of moving & my master watering plan isn't in place either. Next year? There is a place in town that sells bulk mushroom compost, I plan on using healthy amounts of that in the fall when I build the beds and again in the spring. I also found a great site that gave me lots of inspiration and planning ideas for a layout next year. Check it out here. I like how he uses compatable plants together and has raised beds with watering trenches in the middle. Lots of good advice and ideas throughout his website.
I also bought a fig tree while we were in Virginia. The kids actually asked if newtons grew on trees!! The saleslady said that she has one and it started producing fruit the 2nd year. Keep your eyes peeled for homemade fig newton recipes!! Here's a great recipe that we tried the other day. We are big fans of fennel, and the vinegrette is what makes this da' bomb! The dressing would be good on a salad too. Hope to hear from you soon!
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