Vacation 2007

Hey all, I was doing some thinking and I think for next summer I want to go on vacation to the Montreal Jazz Festival next summer. Not just by myself and Kimberly but if we can get others to come at the same time it would be one fabulous party! If you've never been to Montreal, let me give you my sales pitch. I have been there at least a half dozen times. More often when I lived closer. It's a great cosmopolitan/european style city. It has everything you could ever want, nightlife, museums, a casino, outdoor cafes, awesome resturaunts, a huge underground shopping area and of course a favorable exchange rate! Kimberly and I went to the Jazz Fest in 2002 and had a great time. If you have never been to Montreal, it is one of the greatest cities & vacation get aways of all time! When you add a 10 day outdoor music festival it becomes even more fabulous. When we went, it covered about 4 block radius and had about 6 outdoor stages, plus more venues indoors. All of the outdoor entertainment is free and runs from noon to about 1AM everyday from the last week of June and the first week of July. If you're worried about not speaking French, worry not. Just about everyone also speaks English and is very helpful. Throw in a lot of mercis and s'il vous plaits and you'll be fine. There are plenty of hotels downtown so there is no need to rent a car if you fly in. Just take a taxi from the airport and walk or use the Metro to get around town. We spent 5 nights there last time and we were thouroughly exhausted by the end of the trip so I was thinking of cutting it to 3 or 4 nights. I'm not sure of the dates yet, the website still has 2006 dates and entertainers on it. If this may be something you're interested in or want to know more, leave me a comment or send me an email. I just want to get people thinking about this. Dave has been to the Jazz Fest too, I'm sure he would love to tell you about his trips there.
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