Shaving & Fighting The Man

About 6 months ago I ran out of Mach III razor blades. I had been usually buying them in bulk at Sam's Club for about $40 for 24 blades. In my rush I figured I would stop by the local CVS and pick up a few until our next Sam's Club trip. I was totally taken aback by the price..... $8 for 3 !!!! I started thinking.... hmmm that's more than $2.60 each blade! The price per blade at Sam's Club was better, $1.60, and at least I wouldn't have to buy them again for a few months. There had to be another way. I thought I might be able to score a deal on eBay to get some, nope.... All about the same price as Sam's when you add in shipping. But while searching for for razors I came across an article about straight razors and how to use them. The article gave to basic how to and why and piqued my interest. Another quick eBay search and for $8 including shipping I could own my own and also maybe NEVER buy another razor cartridge again!!! I did end up forking over $8 for a 3 pack of Mach III razors to bide myself until my new razor came in.
I had been using a badger hair lather brush and cake shaving soap for a few years already, so I already had that part of the deal. The stuff lasts forever and the brush gives a great feel lathering up. I read up on shaving techniques and care for the razor. I bought a leather strop for another $30 and have never turned back. It took me about a month to get my sideburns down (doing the rest with the Mach III) and then to move onto my chin and upper & lower lips. And yes, I did cut myself, a lot at first, much less now, about once a shave. The blade is so sharp though, I often don't notice I nicked myself until I see myself bleeding. It does take a bit longer though. I could whip through a shave with the Mach III in about 4 minutes, now it takes about 10 to 15 minutes.
I have turned the corner, I usually shave about every other day. I figure I am out about $50 now and lots of practice (and nicks & cuts) but I haven't had to buy a razor blade in 6 months! I don't envision Gillette not being able to sponsor the Patriots' stadium anymore without my money but I'll be keeping more in my pocket. There is a sort of romance about shaving the "old fashioned way" too. Something of a bond with generations of men before me. If this is something you're interested in check out They also have a great selection of cartridge razors (in case I had decided to keep the old Mach III), horn combs, shaving brushes, soaps and anything else the well groomed man could ask for. In the future I may spend some money on a nice bone handle/etched blade razor but for now, I am free of spending ridiculous amounts of money for razor blades!
Every now and then I indulge by going to an actual barber and have them give me a real shave - I love the whole process, with the hot towels and the warm soap lather and the slight fear of having that blade so close to my throat - but I love the way my face feels afterwards, and the fact I don't need to shave for two days.
Maybe one of these days I'll have to try it myself - your post was inspiring.
I LOVE this post! It brings up fond memories of watching my dad shave "the old-fashioned way." From the time I was little and even when I was a teenager, we could always count on a quiet moment together with me mixing up the lather and then putting it on his face and then watching him shave. Not a word would pass between us, but I still remember the steam from the hot water and how clean he smelled.
I'll have to suggest this to my husband. He currently uses Mach, and I just about pass out whenever I have to buy them.
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