Saturday, March 15, 2008

My political platform...

Since I like a spirited political discussion as much as the next guy and I'll no doubt be posting more links to articles about the candidates, I figured I should come up with a manifesto of my core tenets. This should make it clear as mud who I support in the coming and all future elections.

  • As of now I'm currently undecided who to vote for President in November. I voted for McCain in January but that was because I felt he needed my vote more than Obama in the primary and I have always liked his straight talk and independence. I despise Hillary. She is about the most slimy, detestable, abhorrent politician there is. As long as she doesn't become President, I will be happy. I like Obama's mantra for change. But then again 8 years ago I though GWB was the type of outsider to bring change to Washington. As long as Obama doesn't surround himself with the same type of democratic old guard GWB did, change might actually happen. For the record my votes for President since turning 18 have been for Bush I, Clinton, Bush II & David Cobb.
  • I believe that I have the right to buy a shotgun from Walmart or an AK-47 from a gun show, and don't mind anyone knowing that I have the weapons or filling out some paperwork or waiting a week to fire that first round, but if I ever get committed or commit a felony I would expect those rights to be taken away from me.
  • I have to live withing a budget and expect my government to do so also. On a similar note, I own a house, I mean I owe a mortgage for a house & have a car payment. For big expenses these are practical ways to pay for things I can't pay outright for. I grant the government the right to do the same thing if the need is there.
  • Torture is torture no matter how or why it's done. We have prosecuted many other nations & soldiers for this throughout the 20th century. It should be clear as day that ALL TORTURE IS ILLEGAL, but there's a comparison to justified murder that nobody ever talks about. There are many occasions that a beaten and battered woman who kills her abuser isn't charged with murder. Also, imagine if someone breaks into your house and rapes and kills your wife and kids. You grab your Walmart Special 12 gauge and blast him to kingdom come. Both extreme circumstances but if I'm on either jury, you'll get a 'not guilty' from me. Why isn't torture perceived the same way? Republicans like to speak in a vagueness that they would never want to hinder future Presidents or soldiers; but if the Jack Bauer scenario ever happens with an eminent attack & the only person with knowledge of the when and where is in custody. Go ahead and torture his ass to get it out of him. It doesn't matter if it's legal or not. Then let the Attorney General decide if it was justified just like a state Attorneys General would do for the many justified homicides that happen each year. If it really wasn't needed though (see Abu Ghraib) I'll put your ass in jail for a LONG time.
  • Too many people in this country/world will gladly acknowledge that they've been dealt bad hands in life, but refuse to acknowledge that just about everyone CAN overcome most of life's problems through hard work and a hand up as opposed to a handout and waiting for that full house to be dealt. Apply this to all social programs, help those who help themselves.
  • We are stewards of the world. That means growing our population and economy in symbiotic relation to our environment. We are one of the world's most prosperous, inventive and industrious nations. If there's a true commitment to make a successful electric car or use more sustainable agricultural practices or become energy independent, it will happen. Think JFK's commitment about going to the moon. Too often the commitment is to profit and return on investment.

Ok, I've rattled on enough for now. I'm sure there will be more to add in the coming months. As always I would love to get comments. Or if you are just unsure of what side of an issue you should be on, let me know and I'll tell you where you need to be. ;-)


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