Fall/Winter Garden Plantings
I spent my morning today getting one of my beds ready for some autumn plantings. I double dug the bed and got rid of some roots and grass. I made a trip to Lowe's and bought some seedlings - cabbage, cauliflower & broccoli along with some Black Hen Compost. As the picture shows... I made double sure to keep everything labeled because they look so alike at this stage it's easy to get them mixed up.

I think one of the reasons why some of the older parts of the garden haven't done as well as I had hoped is because it needs some good organic matter to fertilize. I have a feeling that the county compost I used to create the beds wasn't as fertile as I thought. The Black Hen compost should help there. It is a bit expensive though.
Anyway, After getting all sweaty and dirty I have another 9 cauliflower & broccoli pants along with a dozen cabbage seedlings. If last year is any indication, the first hard frost won't happen here until January. A whole three and a half months of prime growing time! I also have about 25 brussel sprout seedlings I started from seeds. They're much smaller than the seedlings I bought but I'm hoping they turn out well. The pole beans I planted last month are starting to flower. I should have a second harvest of green beans in a few weeks. In the picture below the bed I replanted is closest to the left. In the back you can see the pole beans climbing up the fence.
You can also see some pepper plants in the middle along with some rows of raddishes. On the far right is the last of my cucumber plants. I should finally be able to harvest a cuke or two in the next weeks. I had a little incident with some worms eating all of my baby gherkins, but now they seem to have vanished, The last picture shows my herb garden. The rosemary planted 2 years ago have taken well and are turning into perenial bushes. The oregano and basil grew well this year and I planted some dill and cilantro from the seed pods. Hopefully they'll come up next spring.
I think one of the reasons why some of the older parts of the garden haven't done as well as I had hoped is because it needs some good organic matter to fertilize. I have a feeling that the county compost I used to create the beds wasn't as fertile as I thought. The Black Hen compost should help there. It is a bit expensive though.
Anyway, After getting all sweaty and dirty I have another 9 cauliflower & broccoli pants along with a dozen cabbage seedlings. If last year is any indication, the first hard frost won't happen here until January. A whole three and a half months of prime growing time! I also have about 25 brussel sprout seedlings I started from seeds. They're much smaller than the seedlings I bought but I'm hoping they turn out well. The pole beans I planted last month are starting to flower. I should have a second harvest of green beans in a few weeks. In the picture below the bed I replanted is closest to the left. In the back you can see the pole beans climbing up the fence.
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