Best Post-Beatles Beatles songs

In tribute to the to the 40th anniversary of the Beatles' Abby Road album I'm giving my unsolicited opinion on the best solo song of each Beatle.

John Lennon - Tough choice but after narrowing it down to two I have to pick Woman off the album Double Fantasy. A close second is Jealous Guy.

Paul McCartney - Silly Love Songs gets the nod easily. Best of his stuff with Wings and solo. It never get enough airplay on the radio & when it does I have to turn it up load and sing along.

George Harrison - This was by far the toughest to decide. First off, my favorite George song is Here Comes the Sun. But that my friend, is a Beatles song and not allowed on my list (BTW Here Comes the Sun is even better when listened to off the Abby Road album when it follows I Want You (she's so heavy). Abby Road is one of the best albums of all time, not only for the songs on it but for the order in which they are in. A real masterpiece.) But I digress. My top two other songs are My Sweet Lord and While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Since Eric Clapton plays guitar on My Guitar (and I really like Clapton) I picked My Sweet Lord. Confusing? Well, I think of My Guitar as almost a duet and since I am picking only George Harrison songs, My Sweet Love is the winner. How's that for logic!

Finally, Ringo Starr - He's actually the reason I got to thinking of a post Beatles list. He never gets any respect. Not as a musician or as an actor (if you haven't seen Caveman, go rent it NOW!) He also married a Playboy playmate/Bond girl. He was the original Mr. Conductor of Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends. Photograph is his best solo song. Even more now with the death of co-writer George Harrison. Of course other good songs are The No No Song, It Don't Come Easy & With a Little Help from My Friends.
Alright, let the arguments start! Post a comment and tell me what you think.
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