The challenges of being The "Tooth Fairy"...

So here I am, Monday night..... Sheridan has been wiggling that front tooth of her's for at least 2 weeks. It was never quite ready to come out until now. But then after the tooth is gone.... and now..... what about the Tooth Fairy?......we search our wallet & purse only to find out we are both tapped for singles. This is an important moment..... a $20 bill will NOT work for the tooth fairy! If I put $20 under Sheridan's pillow tonight she would expect $20 for EVERY TOOTH she lost. Never mind the birthday cards from Aunt Edna with only $10... the cheapskate. What to do?....
My beautiful wife had the greatest idea. She had an old Wal-Mart gift card in her purse. Sheridan would find the card under her pillow in the morning and that would buy us enough time to break any large bills we had or just put $2.00 on a Wal-Mart gift card. It would be at least 3 days before we would get to take her to the store. Problem solved, or at least stalled until we can fix any hiccups in our plan. Fixed for now..... or at least until I try to make the Tooth Fairy switch... damn that's tough.
The first time I go in for the switch..... she actually has her head ON the tooth. No, really! Sheridan has an envelope that she keeps her teeth in, in order not to loose them before the Tooth Fairy can find it! She is actually sleeping on it, under her head! Of course the hardwood floors creak at every step I take, waiting for her to wake up.Very hard to get to, but I figure I can at least be halfway done by putting the gift card under her pillow and coming back later for the tooth. Mission accomplished. It was very easy to slip the card under her pillow. I can snatch the tooth later. Or so I thought............
About 3AM (I am working night shift so I am wide awake about this hour), I walk down the hall to try to lift the tooth envelope. And then it's gone...... I can't find it anywhere! It must have fallen off her bed and hidden between her bed and wall! And then..... she rolls over awake and looks right in my eyes.... I tell her to "Go to sleep, I was just checking on you." It works! For now....... What to do!! 5 minutes later she is walking down the hall saying she has a tummy ache needs a drink of water. I hope this is just a sleepy episode and she won't remember any of it come morning. I hope. I head to bed hoping she would be more interested in what the Tooth Fairy left as opposed to scouring her bed for the tooth.
Skip to next morning...... when she wakes up she was all excited to find a Wal-Mart card under her pillow. Patton told her he thinks there must be $20 on it and she should save it for Christmas (of course why wouldn't they think that since every other gift card they have ever had has at least $10 on it). So now we've bought enough time put a few dollars on the card but now we have to listen to her ask if we can go to Wal-Mart at least 4 times a day until we go. Our penance I guess.
Love your blog!
I can totally relate to the tooth fairy issues :)
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