Weekly Sunday Update
Okay, so as much as I want post daily updates of my exciting thoughts and life, the longtime reader(s) may notice that I tend to update more in fits and bursts. So as a way to be more proactive in blog posting I'm going to try to make Sunday my update day. Lately my Sundays have consisted of watching some football, taking in the boys soccer games, cooking & other home/family projects. I think (hope) I can fit in a blog post at some time during the day.
The cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli and lettuce I planted are doing great. I added some hen manure to the raised bed before planting them a few weeks ago. At first I wasn't convinced that all the work would pay dividends but as you can see the seedlings have taken off and I'm convinced it was the hen manure. Also there's no sign of the cabbage worms that have plagued my cole plant when I grow them in the spring/summer.
Kimberly also did some work getting her flower boxes in order for the autumn. Here's a quick pic.
Enough gardening for now. I am 99% sure of who I will vote for on Nov. 4th. Call this a tease if you want but this decision deserves a post devoted to itself entirely. It wasn't an easy choice but look for another update explaining everything in the next 10 days.
Also something I've been thinking about for a while. I'll be starting a second blog to chronicle the greener renovation of our house. There isn't much there yet but check it out when you get a chance.
Here we go!...
I picked a radish the other day that had a big booty backside.Also something I've been thinking about for a while. I'll be starting a second blog to chronicle the greener renovation of our house. There isn't much there yet but check it out when you get a chance.