The scene : 11:45PM on January 18th, 2007, West Columbia, South Carolina. Working night shift so I am up all night. The Bruins have beaten the Penguins in an overtime shootout with the winning goal scored by Phil Kessel. I'm getting ready to watch the epic silent film "Metropolis" I saved on the DVR from last week (great film if you have never seen it, great story, lots of modern imagery from the 1920's, picture an early Superman comic from the 20's in silent movie form. It is supposed to have influenced sci-fi films from Flash Gordon to Star Wars). And I am also sitting here in shorts without a shirt because it's DAMN hot!

The thermometer says 36F outside, the thermostat is set at 68F & it's 85F here in the living room! Why is that? We just got another load of seasoned split oak and I have
stove cookin'!
Yesterday there was a winter weather advisory. There was a posibility of freezing rain and sleet to start by about midnight Thursday. Of course the 6:00PM news on Wednesday had a full list of school/work delays and cancelations (mind you, not one bit of precipitation had even hit the ground or will for another 6 hours!) Ah the south.... back in New England you didn't even think about checking for delays or cancelations until morning when there was at least 6 inches of snow on the ground. Work was never canceled, just "get here when you can." meaning "be here by noon!" And growing up we never had a 2 hour delayed school start! I mean what's the point? Show up just to have lunch, listen to the teachers say "since nobody is here we can't teach anything new, and then go home? Our schools had a two hour delay. Although as a parent now, I did enjoy the 3 hours the kids were at school today as quiet time, not learning time.
Anyway, enough of my rant. Of the 6 years I've been here, it's snowed twice. Just a few inches, nothing more than that would melt away the next day. Kimberly is from Colorado and knows what a real winter is like too. We both really miss cold snowy winters. Maybe we need to take a trip next year to show the kids what winter is supposed to be like. What are your winters like?
Oh and I had to walk to school everyday, up the biggest hill in the city, in the snow & 20 degrees outside. Both ways. And that's the truth, phhfftt!